To join Youth and Young Adults in the Lake Union Conference to be inspired, trained, and resourced to use their lives to share the good news of the
Kingdom of God.
"Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and the Holy Spirit.”
Matthew 28:19
Since 2013, hundreds of senior youth and young adults ages 16-35 in the Lake Union Conference gathered together every other year with pastors, youth directors, ministerial directors, Conference presidents, and Union administrators to be empowered and resourced for evangelism back in their local churches and communities. As a result, through these years, we had young adult leaders using a total of 515,872 dollars from a joint evangelism fund built by LUC, local Conferences, and the local churches to launch new evangelism projects. The goal was the same in every case: to bring the gospel to their local community through a total of 107 evangelism projects.
“With such an army of workers as our youth, rightly trained, might furnish, how soon the message of a crucified, risen, and soon-coming Saviour might be carried to the whole world!” (Ellen White, Education, pg. 271)
LUC Youth Evangelism Congress 2024 Schedule
Hilton Chicago/ Northbrook
February 16-18, 2024 Chicago, IL
Damian Chandler!
Damian Chandler is a pastor and storyteller who has served congregations from Seattle Washington to Huntsville Alabama. He is currently the senior pastor of the Capitol City Seventh-day Adventist Church in sunny Sacramento, California. He is also the author of the Amazon Best Seller, The Crooked Christmas Tree. He gets to share life with his wife Tanzy and their three children Zoe, Salem, and Levi. He is also the author of the Amazon Best Seller, The Crooked Christmas Tree. He gets to share life with his wife Tanzy and their three children Zoe, Salem, and Levi.
For more info: Click Here.
Evangelism Congress Fund
$85,000 LUC dollars will be given to young adults who partner with their local church for evangelism!
For every dollar (up to $85,000) from the Union, the local church will match one dollar.
[For example, if your evangelism project total budget is $1,000.00, and your local church decides to support you with $500.00, the Lake Union will match that $500.00, completing the $1,000.00 that your project needs.]
This gives young adults $170,000.00 for evangelism!
The Lake Union Conference is purposeful in supporting Youth and Young adults across its territory to share Jesus Christ within their church community.
The Great Commission: I Will GO
(Matthew 28:19-20)
A space for work,
a space for play
“His power at work in us can do far more than we dare ask or imagine.”
Ephesians 3:20 (CEV)
“With such an army of workers as our youth,
rightly trained, might furnish, how soon the message of a crucified, risen,
and soon-coming Saviour [Gospel] might be carried to the whole world!”
(Ellen White, Education, pg. 271)
How to Apply
Due Date:
Complete and send the application form before August 1, 2024.
*Please note that funds are not to be used to cover the salary or stipend of a person. They are to be used to furnish senior youth and young adults with economic resources so they can implement their evangelism ideas and projects.
For questions, contact Ron Whitehead: (269) 208-1344, (269) 471-8380 or email (congress@lucyouth.org).
FRequently Asked questions
Question: How will the LUC Youth Evangelism fund be distributed?
Answer: On a first-apply-first-receive basis until all $85,000 is gone.
Question: How will the LUC Youth and Ministerial Departments know who applied for funds first?
Answer: By the date posted on the email sent to congress@lucyouth.org
Question: How long will it take to know if my LUC Youth Evangelism-Fund Application form has been approved?
Answer: Up to 30 days after CYE receives the application form and the Church Board Meeting Minutes.
Question: If I apply but I'm too late to get the funds, is my application still valid for the next LUC Youth Evangelism Congress?
Answer: Every application is only valid for one LUC Youth Evangelism Congress.
Question: Who do I contact if I have questions about the LUC Youth Evangelism-Fund Application Form?
Answer: Ron Whitehead or KhaiKhai Cin
Cell Phones: 269-208-1344, 269-769-8369
Question: How long will it take to get the approved LUC Youth Evangelism Fund sent to my conference office treasury department for my local church?
Answer: Up to 90 days after written approval has been sent to the Youth/Young Adult Congress Delegate, Local Church Pastor, and the Conference Youth and ministerial Directors.
Question: Must a copy of the church board minutes that approve a dollar-for-dollar match for LUC Youth Evangelism Funds be attached to the LUC Youth Evangelism-Fund Application Form?
Answer: Yes
Lake Union Conference & CYE leaders
KhaiKhai Cin
Ron Whitehead
CYE Director for
LUC Youth Evangelism Congress
Youth Director,
Lake Union Conference
Kenneth Denslow
Lake Union Conference
Elden Ramirez
Executive Secretary,
Lake Union Conference
Carmelo Mercado
Vice President,
Lake Union Conference
Glynn C.W. Scott
Lake Union Conference
Illinois Conference
Josant Barrientos
Youth Director,
Illinois Conference
Stacey-Ann DePluzer
Associate Youth Director,
Illinois Conference
Pete Braman
Ruben Bullon
Ministerial Director,
Illinois Conference
Associate Ministerial Director,
Illinois Conference
Douglas Reeves
Illinois Conference
Michael Campos
Executive Secretary,
Illinois Conference
John Grys
Illinois Conference
indiana Conference
Charlie Thompson
Youth Director,
Indiana Conference
Robb Long
Ministerial Director,
Indiana Conference
Noel Ojeda
Multicultural Ministries Coordinator,
Indiana Conference
Mark Eaton
Indiana Conference
Vic Van Schaik
Indiana Conference
Lake Region Conference
Earl Baldwin
Youth Director,
Lake Region Conference
James Doggette, Jr.
Young Adult Director,
Lake Region Conference
Kenneth Elliott
Ministerial Director,
Lake Region Conference
Eddie Allen
Vice President,
Lake Region Conference
Kent Nichols
Lake Region Conference
Abraham Henry
Executive Secretary,
Lake Region Conference
Garth Gabriel
Lake Region Conference
michigan Conference
Chad Bernard
Youth Director,
Michigan Conference
Craig Harris
Associate Youth Director,
Michigan Conference
David Glenn Jr.
Camp Director,
Michigan Conference
Cody Francis
Ministerial Director,
Michigan Conference
Tom Hubbard
Associate Ministerial Director,
Michigan Conference
Bob Stewart
Associate Ministerial Director,
Michigan Conference
Michael Bernard
Michigan Conference
Justin Ringstaff
Executive Secretary,
Michigan Conference
Jim Micheff
Michigan Conference
wisconsin Conference
Zack Payne
Youth Director,
Wisconsin Conference
Adam Case
Ministerial Director,
Wisconsin Conference
Amir Gulzar
Wisconsin Conference
Titus Naftanaila
Wisconsin Conference
Ministry Presenters Schedule
LUC Young Adult Summit
February 18-19, 2024
Interested in this FREE Summit?
Contact your Conference Youth/Young Adult Director
*100 spaces available/room & food provided
Jose Bourget
Steve Yeagley
Exhibition Area: Garden Terrace & Hall Ways
Booth Hours:
Friday: 3:30pm - 7:30pm; 10pm - 11pm
Sabbath: 12pm -2pm; 6pm - 7:30pm; 10pm - 11pm
Sunday: 8am - 9am; 11:40am - 1:30pm
*No buying or selling during Sabbath hours.
Sponsors & Partners
We are more than a conference, even more than a congress. We are a family of believers who wish to experience a change.
Back in 1879, 14-year-old Luther Warren and 17-year-old Harry Fenner came together to pray for youth to be empowered to share the gospel with the world through the "Adventist Missionary Youth Society". In 1901, the General Conference established the youth department, and in 1916 the Lake Union Conference did the same.
Youth evangelism began in the Lake Union over 100 years ago, and the time has come to reinvent how youth and young adults are involved in the mission of the Adventist Church. Our goal for the Youth Evangelism Congress is to help you become UNSTOPPABLE for God's mission and what you can do in your family, neighborhood, and city with the strength of young people committed to spreading His message.
Every other year, all 505 Lake Union congregations are requested to send two or more Congress delegates. The Congress welcomes anyone ages 16 and older to join in on a weekend on planning and preparing ourselves for a change. Over the course of the weekend, delegates will prepare a plan for evangelism in their local churches or communities, being given leadership and guidance from others who have been both successful and unsuccessful, in their ministries. Once the delegates part from the conference, they will have the opportunity to present their plan to their church board, and the Lake Union alongside CYE will help make those plans a reality.